Nikkei 4th generation highlights

Nikkei 4th generation who are from 18years - 30years old that satisfy the following requirements:


【 Behavior 】
No criminal record in home country

 【 Japanese Ability 】

At the time of entry:
Being able to understand
basic Japanese (JLPT N4)

When staying for more than 2 years:
JLPT N3 needed.

【 Health 】
Being healthy. And must have
medical insurance

【Family 】
Not to bring any family members
(Applicant can’t bring spouse or child
from own country)

【Ukeire Supportes】
Need to have supporter person to guide 4TH generation
(Japanese, permanent or NPOs)


Designated activity

(First 2 times = 6 month,
then 1year X 4times,
maximum 5 years)

Activities to understand Japanese culture including Japanese language and general lifestyle in Japan.

When second year finish, applicant supposed to have JLPT N3 level Japanese to extend period of stay.

We process
Certifiacate of Eligibility
for 4th generation

We will contact you for an appointment.